Thursday, August 14, 2008

Treating type 2 diabetes with medication

If you have type ii diabetes you are probably overwhelmed with the information you can obtain to treat your diabetes.
Type two diabetes can be treated by dietary changes, administration of medication or a combination of both.
One medication that is widely used for this purpose is Prandin. Prandin is the brand name for a drug known as Repaglinide.
What is prandin?
Prandin is a drug that is used to treat type 2 diabetes. The drug works by stimulating the pancreas to create more insulin. The created insulin is then released into the blood stream where it helps your body function normally. The creation of insulin by drug inducement assists your body provide the insulin that is naturally lacking.
You can use Repaglinide in combination with other forms of oral diabetes medication or on its own. This medication is only available with a doctor's prescription and cannot be obtained over the counter. Currently the drug is only produced in tablet form.
Factors to consider when taking Repaglinide
All medication involves some associated risk. This drug is no different. Some pre-existing conditions that you may have may make taking this medication contraindicated or unsuitable for you.
In order to protect yourself from the risk of injury or harm by taking unsuitable medications you must fully consult your doctor. When consulting your doctor you must disclose fully any medical problems that you have or have had in the past. In addition, it is wise to take along to your appointment all medications that you are currently taking. Your doctor will then be able to assess whether the combination of medications together with your medical history will make this drug suitable for you.
Some factors that may make this medication unsuitable for you are:
" There have not been any studies on the effects of prandin on unborn babies at this stage. If you are pregnant, or considering falling pregnant, you should discuss with your doctor suitable alternative medications during this period. It would probably be best avoid this drug during pregnancy to the unknown effects on your baby.

We don't know whether prandin passes into the breast milk, so make sure you discuss it with your doctor. I would not suggest breast feeding when taking this medication.
" If you are allergic to anything, especially medications, let your doctor know.
Dosage for Children
" Studies have not been done on the effects of this medication on children. For that reason, it is recommended that children do not take prandin until the effects have been studied.
Combining Medications
" Some medications are not suitable or effective when taken in combination with other drugs. In order to avoid any unpleasant side effects you should advise your doctor of all drugs you are currently or have been recently taking. You doctor will need that information before deciding if prandin is appropriate to treat your type two diabetes.
Existing Medical Conditions
" If you suffer from or have recently experienced any of the medical problems set out below you should tell your doctor:
" Type 1 diabetes

" Stress

" Kidney/Liver disease

" Ketones in the blood

" Infection

" Surgery
Before taking any medication it is important to consult your doctor and find out as much information as you can about the drug. Once you have all your information you will be more able to assess if a medication is suitable for your lifestyle and needs.

For More Information about Diabetes!!!!!! Visit…….
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